Dress Code

a group students

Dress Code

Gymnastics :
Girls must wear a leotard. No t-shirts allowed. Athletic shorts and hot pants are permitted. Shoes are not necessary for tumbling. Socks are required for trampoline. PS Gym-no footwear is required.

Cheerleading :
Girls must wear a leotard or fitted top. If a t-shirt is worn over these garments they must be able to remove it due to safety and spotting purposes. Athletic shorts or hot pants are required. Cheerleading shoes or tennis shoes are required.

Dance :
Girls must wear a leotard or dance camisole. No midriff or t-shirts allowed. Dancers will need tights or footless tights and footwear for the appropriate type of dance class: Tap shoes, jazz shoes, ballet shoes, or hip-hop shoes. Dance pants, dance skirts, and hot pants are allowed. PS Combo wears tap and ballet shoes.

All Boys:
Boys should wear a t-shirt tucked in with either athletic shorts or warm up pants. Appropriate footwear is required.

In order to provide a safe environment, please do not wear jewelry, large hair ornaments, baggy clothes, or chew gum in class. Hair must be up and as close to the head as possible.

We reserve the right to disallow participation to anyone if the attire is not appropriate.

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